Join World


1. Avatar Profile. The image or icon displayed for this member on the world to be joined. Tapping this image will pull up the Create Avatar screen. A user may be a different avatar on each world joined.

2. IP Address or Domain Name. Enter the IP Address or Domain Name of the device hosting the world that is to be joined. This is normally sent by the World administrator. If a email invite had been received and the link inside the mail tapped, this field will be filled in automatically.

3. Port Number. Enter the Port Number of the device hosting the world that is to be joined. This is normally sent by the World administrator. If a email invite had been received and the link inside the mail tapped, this field will be filled in automatically.

4. Access Code. If a world requires an access code to join, that code is entered here. Depending on the code supplied, different permission levels are awarded to this device on that world. These permission levels are Owner, of which there should only be one (the world creator) and is the highest permission level allowed. Owner permission levels cannot be assigned to a device once a device has already joined; it can only be allowed when a device first joins a world. Administrator levels are assigned by Owners to give near-owner level of access to a world remotely from a device. Administrator permissions may be given and revoked at any time by an Owner. Member permission levels are the default permission level assigned to all devices. Members may not remotely manage the world it is on, and as such, several GalixiCom features are not available to them for that world.

5. Mute Outgoing Messages. If switched on, no sound will be created when sending a message.

6. Menu Overflow. Herein lie menu options for Help, which pulls up this page.