Modify Member


1. Menu Overflow. Herein lie links to the Help option. Help pulls up this page.

2. Member Profile. Shown here is the profile picture or icon of the member avatar, the name (as provided by the member) and the unique device id of this device on the network. The GalixiCom architecture manages devices, not people, and users join worlds by the device, not by a user account. The unique device id is assigned by the World upon a device joining, and is immutable by any user, including the World owner.

3. Date Joined. The date the device joined the world. This field is immutable and is provided for informational purposes only.

4. Member Location. The location as entered by the device member upon joining the world. This may be a real location, or fictitious one as it is only an empty string the user fills in. It is not used by the World other than to provide some color for each member.

5. Member Rank. The rank assigned to this member. Each device may be at a Member, Administrator or Owner permission level and is determined by the Access Code used to join the World. A device may be given Administrator privileges by changing the field here, or such permissions may be revoked as well, demoting the device to simple Member status. Note that an administrator code is not required to be entered by the device member if such privilege is given here; the act of switching to Administrator state here by the Hub owner is all that is required.