World Details


1. Menu Overflow. Herein lies a menu for Help, which pulls up this page.

2. World Name. The name of the world, as decided by the world creator.

3. Description. The purpose of the world, or any other information the world creator decided was relevant to describe the world created.

4. World Location. The location of the world, as entered by the world creator. Note this may be real or fictitious location.

5. Creation Date. The date the world was created.

6. Discovered Date. The date the world was discovered by this hub.

7. Last Update. The last known update of the world.

8. DNS Name or IP Address. The DNS name or the physical IP address of this world. If the world creator has supplied a DNS name for this world, it is shown here. Otherwise, the physical IP address is listed.

9. Network Port. The network port used by this world. When used in combination with the DNS Name or IP Address, allows a device running Galixsys Communicator to join.

10. Block World. Prevents the world from being shown in the Known Worlds list. Note that by blocking the world does NOT prevent it from being shared to other devices if this world is set to Allow Other World Routing (q.v.); it just does not display it locally. The world may be un-blocked by selecting the Block menu option in Known Worlds .